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Newly elected Executive Committee members of CONIWAS undergoes orientation  

The Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation as part of its good governance and democratic tenets held an Annual General Meeting on the 3rd of October 2023, where new Executive Committee (EC) members were elected to office. The election of the Chair and Vice were conducted at the AGM, whilst the three zonal rep elections were held on zonal level bases and confirmed at the AGM. The five elected members together with the Executive Secretary and two co-opted members make up the new Executive Committee of CONIWAS.

Upon having the Executive Committee duly constituted, the Council of Elders in consultation with the Secretariat organised an orientation for the newly constituted committee. This was necessary to actually get the new EC to settle in their new role as EC members and function effectively. The two-day workshop was coordinated by the secretariat and strategically planned and held at a serene venue to enable an effective facilitation and fruitful deliberation.


The sessions for the orientation include the Principle and Nature of CONIWAS, Why CONIWAS, What makes CONIWAS unique and the Constitution of CONIWAS. The sessions were facilitated by the Council of Elders of CONIWAS; including Mr A. Y. O. Modoc, Mr Martin Dery and Mr Patrick Apoya.

In his closing remarks, Mr. A. Y. 0. Modoc thanked participants for making time to participate in the orientation for the EC. He was of the conviction that the orientation was useful and the deliberations fruitful. He mentioned that the orientation would help the new EC to kick start their work and hopes they have taking note of some of the critical areas they have to work at to move the Coalition forward.

On behalf of the EC, the Vice Chair Mr. Kofi Biscof thanked the Council of Elders for organizing the orientation for them. He was of the view that the EC knows they have a big task to push the sector forward and also work to develop member organisations. He said they hope to implement all activities planned for the year and also work to get more partners and members for the Coalition.


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