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CONIWAS re-echoes calls for gov’t to increase investment in sanitation

The Coalition of Non-Governmental Organisations in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) has reiterated its call on the government to accelerate the process leading to the establishment of the National Sanitation Authority and the National Sanitation Fund.

According to the Coalition, the national sanitation authority and the sanitation fund coming on stream will help to propel sanitation services in Ghana. CONIWAS is also calling on the government to continue its work towards increasing investment in sanitation and its related activities. The call was contained in a statement issued and signed by the Executive Secretary of CONIWAS to mark the commemoration of the 2023 World Toilet Day (WTD).

The theme for the 2023 WTD in Ghana is “Accelerating Change Through Strategic Partnerships; Every Contribution Counts”.

According to the coalition, the theme for this year’s commemorative event calls for effective stakeholder collaboration toward providing sustainable sanitation solutions to Ghanaian citizens towards the attainment of the WASH SDG targets.

CONIWAS says although the country has made steady progress in water access, with 88% of people accessing basic services (close to the global average of 90%), the sanitation situation is rather poor, with only 25% having access to basic services, about 57% using shared or public facilities, and 18% still defecating in open defecation (PHC, 2021).

It emphasized that safely managed sanitation is critical for reducing child mortality, increasing education among children, improving nutrition, enhancing human dignity, especially for women and girls, and providing job opportunities to the youth.



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