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What We Do

Our members provide safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene education to communities. They do this by working in partnership with government agencies, local organizations, and communities to implement sustainable WASH projects.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

We engage policy makers to influence policies and strategies that promote the provision of WASH services in Ghana. We have advocated for increased funding for WASH programs and projects, and also participated in the development of national WASH policies and guidelines.

Service Delivery

We constantly engage respective authorities to promote good governance and accountability in the WASH sector. We achieve this through research, budget analysis, and engagement with the right authorities.

Capacity Building

We explore capacity building opportunities for our members and provide related platforms to support our members to improve their performances in service delivery, community engagement, fundraising, and advocacy. We also develop capacities of communities to advocate for better services and demand accountability from duty bearers. The Coalition also uses its platforms and other available platforms to promote knowledge sharing among stakeholders in the sector.

CONIWAS Response To WASH In Ghana